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What is is a publishing platform.

It allows individuals and organizations to publish their or other people's books easily. Individual authors use it to self-publish their books. Publishers and Organizations can also use the platform for publishing books and short run printing. The platform has the following parts

  • Easy Publishing Tools: You can format your book even in Microsoft Word and get it published through No need to mess around with complicated DTP software. At the same time you have flexibility to use other tools if you want, including major DTP Software, latex etc. For Cover Design, provides a simple tool to create a generic cover. Or you can design a unique cover on your own by using our specifications. Finally, you also have the option of taking our reasonably priced services for all the book preparation work.
  • Print on Demand (POD) back end:'s publishing platform is backed by Print on Demand (POD) infrastructure. POD is a technology where even one book can be produced at a time. So, there is no need to invest upfront in printing large quantities of books and storing them. Books are printed only when the order comes.
  • Seamless use of printing technology: While Print on Demand is the most suitable option for most of the people publishing through, if an author does need to print in higher quantities, we seamlessly switch to offset printing to provide them the cost advantage.
  • Online Store: Those publishing through can choose to list their books in's online store. This provides a convenient way to selling the book as they do not have to manage the logistics at their end.
  • Author Dashboard: Through an Author Dashboard accessible online, authors can track the sales and earnings from their books and maintain their remittance information. The author earnings are transferred periodically to the authors using the remittance information provided by them

What is not?

  • is not a publisher: We do not publish books. For individual authors, who publish through, they themselves are the publishers. This means that we do not assign an ISBN and do not take any responsibility of content, quality or marketing of the book. Any individual services provided are chargeable and those do not make us the publisher.
  • is not an agent: We do not take the books to traditional publishers on author's behalf. Although, our terms and conditions are completely non-exclusive and does not prevent authors from publishing their books elsewhere including through traditional publishers.