New Feature 📢 on : Free eBooks with a Single Click

Getting a free eBook at used to be quite cumbersome and a multi-step process. You needed to add the eBook to your cart and go through the checkout process even though the eBook was free. This was a hindrance for potential readers and many times they did not follow through and ended up dropping out.

Keeping this in mind, the team has now created a hassle-free single-step process so that you can get your free eBooks at the click of a button.

When visiting a free eBook page, if you are already logged into your account, if you are a logged in user, you can then add any free eBook to your library by clicking the Add to Library button. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to login or register.


Now you can click on the Go To Library button or your eBook library link in the success message and download the free PDF from there.

So go to the Free eBooks collection from the Shop section in the top navigation menu or click here to get access to an array of eBooks. Happy reading!