Pothi.com is an excellent platform to publish your conference proceedings.
Some of the advantages of using Pothi.com to publish your conference proceedings are as following:

No minimum quantity requirements
We use the print-on-demand technology. Using print-on-demand, we can print precisely as many copies as needed. There is no minimum quantity requirement. If you want 1 printed copy, we can print 1 copy for you.
Order copies whenever you want
Once your files have been prepared and set up on Pothi.com, you can buy any number of copies (1,2,5, 10) in future also. So you do not need to estimate the demand before hand. You can order copies as the requirement comes. We can ship the copies directly to various addresses also.
Sell online and earn money
You can use Pothi.com as a selling platform also. So you can list the proceedings for sale and then ask the participants to directly purchase from here. We deliver books all over the world. You can also decide the amount of royalty you want to earn.
Publish in both electronic and print format
Publishing proceedings in electronic form is becoming very common now. We offer publishing in both e-book and print format.
Get all required services at one place
We offer a range of pre-press services like typesetting, cover design, indexing etc. Combined with PoD and online selling platform, you can do everything related to publishing the proceedings at one place. No need to run around and coordinate between different vendors.
Get an ISBN
We will assign an ISBN to your proceedings and with this it can get listed in International Databases.
Also we offer special discounts on printing to academic institutions and NGOs. The discounts depend on the number of copies being ordered.
If interested, please contact us with the following details:
- Will you be able to provide the print ready PDF files for the interior and cover?
- By when are the copies needed?
- How many days before the deadline, can you provide the files?
- How many copies are required?
- Number of pages, preferred size & binding