Changes pushed to’s publishing platform

Continuing with our aim of moving towards a Do it Yourself platform, we have pushed some more changes to our system. There won’t be too many visible changes in user experience. But you will find that the Book Submission form appears slightly different.

While submitting the form you only need to mention the production options (size, paper type etc.) and some basic information about the book which can’t be changed later (book language and category). After the submission, the book files (interior and cover) are checked for technical suitability. This checking has now been semi-automated. The only impact this will have on book submission experience is that our turn around time will be faster. Once the files pass the technical review, you will receive a mail with instructions to enter book details like “About the Book”, “About the author” etc.

While entering the book details, you can also choose whether to publish your book for public listing or keep it private for only your use. This setting can be changed any time. So, you can keep the book private initially, order a copy for ensuring that it has turned out all right in print and then go back and make it public. This is something that many of our authors wanted to do, but the process was tedious since they had to ask us to make the book public or private. So with the ability to do it on their own anytime, more power to our authors!

Keep writing and keep watching this blog for further updates.

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