In the Author Resources series, we explore the different author tools at our disposal. Be it editing, formatting or designing your cover, there are quite a few options that you can explore online. Today we look at the Cliché Finder.
How the Cliché Finder Fixes Your Text
Clichés are stale and overused phrases or expressions that are best avoided in the original copy. Some examples of clichés in sentences are:
When he told her he wanted to touch base, she was walking on air.
“The apple has fallen far from the tree,” he said to her disapprovingly after examining her portfolio.
She was doomed to disappointment when he compared her to her twin brother.
The phrases highlighted above are not wrong at all. For instance, the phrase ‘touch base’ seems professional and is commonly used when you want to encourage someone to contact you. But if you write a blog post, memo or email with a huge number of clichés, it could make your language sound unoriginal.
While it is impossible to avoid all clichés, being aware of the number of clichés used helps. This is where a tool like Cliche Finder comes in. It uses an algorithm to analyze the clichéd phrases, words or expressions used in the text you provide and also highlights alternate words you could use.
How to Use it
You paste the text into a box and submit.

Once you click the Find Clichés button, you get a list of clichés Now you can rephrase your copy as advised.

Cliché Finder: Recommended or Not?
Recommended. This is a useful editorial tool that throws light on (whoops! cliché that 🤭) avoidable phrases. Word of caution: You need not agree with all the suggestions and choose to adopt the changes you see fit.