Great content may be lost on the reader if it is not presented in a readable fashion. Our formatting services helps your content put its best foot forward. Formatting services are available across languages.
Our standard formatting service takes care of title page, standard copyright page, table of contents, chapter headings, appropriate fonts, paragraph styles etc. If you have any specific requirements, you can mention it while ordering the service.

How does it work?
Based on the genre of the book, we will create 3 sample designs for your book for you to choose from. These samples will show the font, margins, headings, page numbers and other elements of your book. Once you have selected a design, we will format the complete manuscript according to that.
Even when a manuscript has undergone many rounds of corrections before formatting, it is not uncommon to find more mistakes after it has been formatted. We have you covered there. You can proofread the formatted manuscript and send us a list of corrections. Up to 2 rounds of minor corrections within 1 month from the delivery of formatted manuscript are absolutely free.
Formatting charges for English manuscripts start at Rs. 30 per page (1 page = 200 words for prose, 100 words for poetry). There is a minimum charge of Rs. 1000 for the service. The manuscript should primarily be text but can include upto 5 images. Additional images are charged at Rs. 30 per image.
Manuscript with several tables, images or equations cost more. Please send us a sample of your manuscript to get a quote.
Charges for Indian language manuscripts start at Rs. 35 per page.
Manuscript to be submitted for formatting
Before submitting the manuscript for formatting, please ensure that the content is absolutely final. Any changes made later would be charged extra depending on the amount of effort needed. Ensure that everything that needs to go into the interior of the book, including any preface, foreword, dedication page, references, etc, are present in the book. Any images used in the book need to be provided separately in high resolution.