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Risk Analysis & Insurance Planning (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Business & Economics, Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹300
(Immediate Access on Full Payment)
Available Formats: PDF


This book gives a detailed understanding on principles underlying in life and general insurance. It enables the student to understand and explain the need for insurance, the value of insurance to be taken by an individual on his personal life.

It aids the student with in understanding and evaluates Human Life valuation, premium calculation and claim assessment.

About the Author

Abhiramula Moksha Kalyanram, CFPcm, B. Com, LL.B, M.A., M. Phil (Eco), Licentiate (LI), NCMP (L4), Has 14 years of industry experience as Consulting Research Analyst in Global Stock Investment markets, eloquent and diligent experience in delivering extempore Lectures in Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Risk Management, Tax laws, Financial Planning, Strategic Financial Management, Derivatives, Option Strategies, etc to MBA-Finance students that cater to the present industry demands.

1.5 yrs of experience as an establishing Certified Financial Planner

Global certification CFP (FPSB India) steering individuals towards meticulous personal financial planning to materialize all their financial achievements.

Online SAP FI CO trainer to SAP - FI & CO career aspirants from USA, UK and Australia.

Conducted several workshops to train students and working individuals on personal financial planning and wealth management

Excellent communication skills to deliver optimum information to the trainees.

Experience in evaluation of industrial standards in Financial Markets, researches and caters information that is in line with latest market trends.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 127
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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