October Issue of Pothiz
by Pothi.com Team
Dear Readers,
Festival season is on and we are back with a new issue of Pothiz! We hope the words contained in these stories and poems weave their magic on you and make this time even more enjoyable. Here is a little sneak peak into what the issue has to offer.
The featured story "Almost", talking about a disturbing reality with the protagonist and his background, makes for an interesting reading with a personal twist thrown in. "A Friend in Need" will make our urban, working youth go LOL (laugh out loud). Stories "31 B", "Heat, Hatred and Retribution" and "Roommate (in Hindi)" have a common theme of womanhood and explore different aspects of it. The common theme is a mere coincidence but they make a great bunch to be read together. There are also poems for you to read and experience. Also check out the entries in "Other Entries" section.
As always, we look forward to your feedback for us as well as for all the authors. Do let us know what you liked, didn't like and how can we do better. Here is wishing all of you a very happy festival season!
Pothi.com Team